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Livestation partners with weComm to deliver live TV news on all smartphones

12 августа 2009

weComm, a specialist in interactive mobile data solutions, announced that it has partnered with Livestation to deliver live TV news to mobile handsets including Android and BlackBerry devices.

Livestation already delivers live TV streaming services on iPhone for news partners such as BBC World News and Al Jazeera. weComm's wave On-Demand Mobile Application Platform, will enable Livestation to deliver live broadcasts from Livestation's global news TV partners to all leading mobile operating systems. Live TV content will be available for a monthly subscription and the service will provide access to other news formats from the same providers. The companies will distribute the service in a number of easy-to-subscribe methods including through the major mobile handset-manufacturers' application stores.

weComm's wave platform uses a client-server infrastructure to deliver  interactive mobile data services optimized to all major mobile operating systems. The technology delivers content and applications to handsets on-demand, giving the richness and interactivity of an on-device application combined with the 'flexibility and freshness' of an online service.

Matteo Berlucchi, Livestation CEO, said of the partnership: "Time to market is key for us. By partnering with weComm we can now deliver a high-quality, live TV experience very quickly to the market across the broadest possible range of smartphone devices."

weComm CEO Graham Summers: "Livestation has an extremely well targeted proposition which has clearly excited the world's leading news channels. weComm is delighted to have been chosen as the mobile partner to help Livestation exploit their fantastic service on a wider range of platforms."


Источник: Mobile Europe

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