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FTS’ Leap™ RevChain Billing Solution Selected by IntraLinks

26 августа 2009

FTS, a global provider of billing, CRM and policy management solutions for communications, content and service providers, announced today that IntraLinks, the leading provider of critical information exchange solutions, will deploy FTS’ Leap™ RevChain advanced billing and rating systems.

IntraLinks selected FTS’ Leap RevChain for pricing, billing, account and contract management. Leap RevChain will also help IntraLinks streamline internal operations and consolidate worldwide business operations by providing a single solution to address IntraLinks’ business in international markets including the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and the Asia Pacific region.

“IntraLinks needed a flexible solution that would ensure accurate billing and account management, and was also easy to modify for the worldwide locations the company operates in,” said David Sumka, IntraLinks’ SVP of Operations and Finance. “We’re confident FTS’ Leap RevChain will achieve these objectives and help us realize greater efficiencies in our operations.”

“We are very proud of IntraLinks’ decision to select FTS’ Leap RevChain,” said Shaul Ganel, President, FTS Americas. “One of the salient features of our work together will be using Leap RevChain to manage invoices and currencies in multiple languages. We know IntraLinks conducted a thorough search of vendors, and we are delighted to have been selected to implement our solution. It also attests to the flexibility of FTS’ Leap RevChain, which is suitable for service providers across multiple industries.”

FTS’ Leap RevChain is a flexible end-to-end, rating, billing and customer-care solution for the service‑provider market throughout the Americas. Comprised of integrated applications designed to address the critical billing requirements of service providers, the solution provides extremely high throughput and high return on investment, delivering optimum response time for rating and billing hundreds of millions of complex usage records.


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