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Analyst: SIP trunking could drive SBC market

01 сентября 2009

Yankee Group VoIP analyst Zeus Kerravala thinks the session border controller (SBC) market will see significant expansion as enterprises deploy SIP trunking solutions, cloud services and VoIP networks that integrate with public networks.

Zerravala wrote that SBC manufacturers stand to gain the most from additional SIP deployments, as an SBC would allow the enterprise to move the network "edge" into the SIP hosting provider's cloud.

He also noted that SBCs would allow enterprise-to-enterprise communications that currently access the PSTN network to bypass it and do direct VoIP calling. SBCs can handle voice security better than traditional firewalls and other security equipment because they can handle bidirectional communications traffic, according to the report.

Источник: FierceVoIP

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