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Mobile internet use to triple by 2014

03 сентября 2009

Mobile internet use will triple over the next five years, according to Forrester Research.

It predicts European mobile internet penetration will grow significantly, from 13% in 2008 to 39% in 2014.

Forrester said the recession has reduced the rate of growth as consumers haven’t been renewing handsets as often, but added the proliferation of internet-focused phones and unlimited data plans means it hasn’t slowed as much as expected

According to the research, European mobile internet penetration will be 17% this year and reach 22% in 2010.

Thomas Husson, analyst at Forrester Research, said, “In the next decade the mobile internet will replicate the success story of the PC-based internet. But as Europe is one of the most diverse and saturated mobile landscapes in the world, the challenge will be to adapt to local conditions to increase the usage of new services.”

Источник: FierceWireless:Europe

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