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Analyst predicts $16.6bn mobile apps market by 2013

29 сентября 2009

UK analyst Wireless Expertise is the latest to try to put a number on future growth of the mobile applications market, claiming that it will leap from $4.66 billion this year to $16.6 billion by 2013.

That's global, as compared to prediction by Yankee Group that the US apps market will be worth $4.2 billion by 2013.

Wireless Expertise's forecasts are based on an estimate that there'll be 1.6 billion smartphone users by 2013, making up 28-30% of the overall mobile market.

"We expect Apple to face tough competition from mobile operators, independent service providers and competing vendor application portals in the next 18-24 months," says CEO Anuj Khanna.

"Mobile operators have to adopt a dual app store strategy, using the now widely-accepted app store model in conjunction with a browser-based widget store, to provide the greatest potential for a mass-market proposition."

Wireless Expertise also thinks there'll be a new wave of niche app stores, focusing on specific kinds of apps like games and location-based services.

A couple of things we're wondering about this new wave of app-focused analyst reports. First, how do these revenue projections break down between payments to download apps, in-app micro-transactions, and advertising or sponsorship revenues for free apps?

Second, is the mobile apps market going to be just about smartphones? Taking this report's 28-30% smartphone penetration prediction, how much money might be made from apps for the other 70-72% of handsets?

by Stuart Dredge

Источник: FierceWireless:Europe

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