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One billion mobile subscribers can get the personal touch

21 октября 2009

Communication service providers worldwide are working with Nokia Siemens Networks to better manage subscriber data and create a personal experience for their customers.

Nokia Siemens Networks has provided its One-NDS subscriber data repository to nearly 80 communications service providers (CSPs), allowing them to manage the data of one billion mobile subscribers. Combined with the 1.5 billion subscribers already being served by the company’s Home Location Registers (HLRs), Nokia Siemens Networks’ is helping to bring faster, smarter services and an improved all round user experience to a subscriber base greater than the populations of China and India.

“Backed by real-time subscriber profiles, our subscriber data management platform allows operators to innovate and deliver new, targeted services that simplify the lives of their customers,” said Paul Magelli, Head of Subscriber Data Management, Nokia Siemens Networks. “Our superior architecture, particularly in terms of scalability and response time, is well established, and today our list of customers includes the world’s leading telecom operators.”

Nokia Siemens Networks’ One-NDS solution is based on an open real-time subscriber data platform that helps CSPs simplify their networks and gain better insights into subscriber data. As a clear indication of the solution’s traction, Nokia Siemens Networks has added almost 30 million licensed subscribers per month, or a total of 530 million, over the past 18 months.

Nokia Siemens Networks reached the one billionth mobile subscriber landmark in a recent core network modernization deal with an Egyptian mobile operator, in which the company will migrate 32 million subscribers from the operator’s old HLR system onto the latest version of One-NDS.

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