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NetQoS and EMC Partner to Deliver First Integrated Infrastructure Discovery and Performance Monitoring Solution

16 ноября 2007

NetQoS has integrated EMC Smarts Application Discovery Manager (ADM) with NetQoS SuperAgent as part of a reseller agreement, giving network engineers and network operations groups a single view into application dependencies and performance for improved troubleshooting and risk mitigation.

EMC Application Discovery Manager automatically discovers applications and identifies their supporting infrastructure components without requiring agents to build its dependency maps. NetQoS SuperAgent monitors the performance of applications by passively analyzing response times without endpoint agents, isolating the cause of problems to the server, application or network. The NetQoS Connector for Smarts ADM will populate NetQoS SuperAgent with the application and server information ADM discovers, showing customers the underlying infrastructure dependencies alongside application performance data for faster problem resolution and more informed change management.

“NetQoS and EMC have brought together complementary technologies to help bridge a gap between infrastructure and application performance, especially since network professionals are often unaware of what applications are on the network,” said George HAMILTON, director of enterprise infrastructure at Yankee Group. “In particular, the combination of EMC ADM with NetQoS SuperAgent will help IT groups planning consolidation or migration projects, where knowledge of system dependencies and before and after performance monitoring are crucial to minimizing risk and understanding the impact of change.”

The NetQoS Connector for Smarts ADM will also help joint customers maintain consistent diagnostic information among NetQoS SuperAgent, configuration management databases (CMDBs) populated by ADM, and management platforms such as EMC Smarts. The use of standardized application nomenclature can help improve communication during problem resolution and capacity planning activities, and can allow better cross-product workflows.

“This partnership with EMC is a natural fit for NetQoS as we strive to help customers with their application delivery challenges, which includes knowing what configuration changes have been made and how those are impacting performance,” said Gordon DAUGHERTY, vice president of corporate development for NetQoS. “By tying application performance to infrastructure dependencies, the integration of NetQoS SuperAgent and EMC Smarts ADM will help network professionals make more informed decisions and speed troubleshooting to deliver consistent application service levels.”

“It is imperative that network managers have the ability to not only identify applications and their respective dependencies, but also understand and measure the elements that impact end-to-end performance,” said Dennis RILEY, vice president of business development for the EMC Resource Management Software Group. “The network and application performance capabilities of NetQoS complement our Smarts family well, and we believe that the combination of NetQoS SuperAgent and EMC Smarts Application Discovery Manager will offer end users a unique solution to maintain optimum application performance over time.”

Customers who own ADM version 5.2 and NetQoS SuperAgent version 7.2 can receive the integration today at no cost. Effective immediately, NetQoS customers can also purchase ADM appliances and software from NetQoS.

Источник: Юникорнс

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