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Sony aims to launch online product-linking service in 2010

23 ноября 2009

Sony Corp. aims to launch a new online network service to distribute games and videos for various hardware devices in early 2010 to make its gadgets more appealing to consumers and help its brand become more competitive.

"(We'd like to) at least get the service up and running within the next calendar year...earlier in the year would be obviously a lot more preferable," Executive Vice-President Kazuo Hirai said in an interview with Dow Jones Newswires Friday.

The service, tentatively named Sony Online Service, will be more extensive than the existing PlayStation Network, which allows users of the gaming device to download software. Built upon PlayStation Network's infrastructure, the new service will encompass a much wider range of gadgets, including televisions and various mobile devices, giving them access to games, movies and other interactive contents.

The new online network, which represents Sony's attempt to create synergy among its hardware, software and network infrastructure, is strategically important as the Japanese technology giant, once regarded as a pioneer with its Walkman audio players, struggles to regain its innovative edge and boost its brand value.

Hirai said Sony Online Service will increase the value of its hardware,"which is also increasing brand awareness as well."

Sony aims to generate Y300 billion in sales from its network services operations by the fiscal year ending March 2013.

Источник: Total Telecom

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