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Google plans service to store users' data: report

27 ноября 2007

Google Inc is preparing a service that would enable users to store data from their personal hard drives on its computers.

Users would be able to house files they would normally store on personal computers - such as word-processing documents, digital music, video clips and images - on Google's computers.Google plans service to store users' data: report

The service could let users access their files through the Internet from different computers and mobile devices when they sign on using a password.

The service could be released as soon as a few months from now.

The newspaper also said Google plans to provide some free storage, with additional storage allotments available for a fee.

Planned pricing isn't known.

Representatives of Google could not immediately be reached for comment.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.

Источник: Reuters

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