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Mobile Internet Applications and Development (MIAD) Trends 2010

08 декабря 2009

In association with 4G World 2010, the Events and Media Division of Yankee Group has developed a new and unique program focused on the mobile Internet and applications market. 

The new Mobile Internet Applications and Development (MIAD) Trends program delivers current and relevant details of this rapidly expanding market through webinars, live forums, editorial coverage and special industry reports.  MIAD Trends will examine mobile OS and software platform vendors, mobile operators, device manufacturers, content providers, enabling technology and application developers, enterprise end-users and more.

MIAD Trends 2010 inaugural live events will launch in Silicon Valley, California in April 2010 and in Boston in June 2010.  ”With the extensive rollout of 4G throughout both Silicon Valley and the Northeast, developers have a unique opportunity to test and deploy applications that integrate high-speed mobile broadband with location-aware services, customer data, and advanced smartphone and multimedia devices prior to the nationwide availability of 4G services,” explains Eliot Weinman, President, Events and Media Division of Yankee Group.  ”By creating these regional events we’re able to deliver a program that provides access to a more local and critical mass of mobile applications thought leaders and technology innovators in the context of  ‘real world’ experience.”

The success of the mobile Internet for consumers has until recently, been challenged largely by a lack of affordable bandwidth and mobile device capabilities.  Enterprise user adoption has also been challenged by issues of broadband service availability and security concerns associated with mobile devices.  With a growing number of 4G networks moving from planning to deployment focus is rapidly shifting toward accelerating  the development and distribution of mobile applications.  The call to action for the mobile Internet ecosystem now includes addressing the matters of developing new business models that drive innovation and support for a more ubiquitous set of mobile platforms and a means of monetizing outside of traditional carrier centric models.

Wienman views the program as a catalyst for innovation, partnership and business development.  “The MIAD Trends approach creates a unique attendee experience.  There will be a heavy focus on learning - from experts and networking with peers - we’re planning for over 150 delegates at our live events.  Our forums will be driven by a fast-paced program that includes executive roundtables, Yankee Group industry experts, no-holds-barred panel discussions and insightful keynotes along with dedicated networking functions and technical workshops.”

Источник: 4G Trends

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