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UK consumers embrace digital communications

17 декабря 2009

UK consumers are continuing to embrace their digital communications and are generally paying less for them than they did 12 months ago, new Ofcom research reveals today.

Our International Communications Market data provides a snapshot of the £548 billion communications market in 12 major economies.

It  looks at take-up, availability, pricing and use of broadband, landlines and mobiles, TV and radio in these and the four fast growing economies of Brazil, India, Russia and China.

The report found that not only do we have the highest proportion of digital TV homes (88 per cent), but last year we texted more than any other country except the USA.

TV and texting

UK consumers also make the third highest volume of landline calls in the world and enjoy the lowest mobile and broadband prices.

The amount of time we spend watching TV increased by more than 3 per cent last year – the biggest increase across all the countries surveyed – to 3.8 hours a day.

But we still watch slightly less than viewers in Italy, Poland and Spain – as well as the US, which tops the TV viewing table on 4.6 hours a day.

And although we’re the second highest texting nation in world – sending 83 billion text messages in 2008 – the UK is still dwarfed by the US which sends 10 times more.

We also love to talk and surf the web.

Lowest mobile and broadband prices

Last year we made an average of 190 minutes of calls a month from our landlines –  the third highest of the countries surveyed –  and over the five years to 2008 the UK had the second highest growth in broadband lines per person.

The price of communication services  in the UK have also generally fallen since 2008 and compare well with the prices consumers pay in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the US.

Overall, among those six the UK has the lowest prices for mobile and for single-service broadband, and the second lowest prices (after Italy) for fixed-line voice.

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