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LTE Drives the News but WCDMA Drives Base Station Deployments

24 декабря 2009

Despite a poor worldwide economy, demand for smartphones, regular phones, and wireless broadband services continues to drive the base station market, according to In-Stat. The number of newly deployed macro cellular base stations will grow over 10% in 2009.

Of new macro cellular base station shipments, WCDMA base station shipments will make up the lion's share of all base station shipments worldwide, accounting for about 50% of the total base station revenue. By 2013, In-Stat forecasts that the percent that WCDMA contributes to total base station revenue will exceed 70% and LTE base stations will account for another 20% of the total.

"WCDMA/HSPA base stations will be the work horses of wireless data networks," says Allen Nogee, In-Stat analyst. "Many operators, worldwide, are in the process of rolling out, or enhancing, their current CDMA networks, including a very large rollout of CDMA by China Unicom. China Unicom was awarded the WCDMA contract to provide services in China. WCDMA will gain the most subscribers, with CDMA2000 and TD-SCDMA taking the distant second and third positions."

Recent research by In-Stat found the following:

  • From 2008 to 2013, total base station revenue is forecast to decrease by almost 3% CAGR. Not only do base stations continue to drop in price, but also the mix of base stations is changing in favor of smaller base stations and LTE base stations.
  • While there is no growth for GSM in areas that are transitioning to WCDMA, there is growth of GSM subscribers in Africa, India, China, and Latin and South America.
  • TD-SCDMA base station technology is demonstrating the fastest growth.
  • LTE is rolling out! The majority of the committed operators have roll-outs scheduled for 2012 and 2013. In the US, Verizon is in the process of deploying LTE with Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent equipment, Alcatel-Lucent supplies most of their existing CDMA equipment.

Источник: Cellular news

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