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Nielsen names Google Search most visited mobile site of 2009

24 декабря 2009

Mobile phones in the U.S. accessed Google Search more than any other website between January and September 2009 according to new data released by The Nielsen Company.  Yahoo Mail is second on the mobile web hit parade, followed in descending order by Gmail, The Weather Channel and Facebook.

YouTube led Nielsen's ranking of 2009's top U.S. mobile video channels, trailed by Fox Interactive Media, The Weather Channel, Comedy Central and CBS.Nielsen identifies Yahoo as the top brand accessed via U.S. mobile handsets in 2009--Google is in second, followed by Microsoft's MSN/Windows/Bing, AOL Media Network and The Weather Channel. Apple's iPhone generated more use than any other mobile device, representing 4.0 percent of the U.S. embedded subscriber base--RIM's BlackBerry 8300 series, including the Curve, comes in second at 3.7 percent, ahead of Motorola's Razr V3 series (2.3 percent), LG's enV2 (2.1 percent) and the LG Voyager (1.7 percent).

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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13.03 4:52 Валерий Дасаев:
Занятно написано, но мне кажется, что автор что-то не договаривает :)
10.04 14:34 Approach:
Да Вы писатель настоящий, как я посмотрю :)