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Is the world ready for 3D TV?

14 января 2010

3D TVs gained a lot of attention at the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show, where a couple of early models were on display. At last week's 2010 CES in Las Vegas, the excitement multiplied, and undoubtedly was boosted by the buzz over the 3D movie "Avatar," the worldwide mega-hit currently showing in theaters.

The success of "Avatar" will further drive the 3D entertainment revolution and put 3D TV "on the map" for consumers, according to a new report from market research firm In-Stat. Michelle Abraham, In-Stat analyst, notes in a press release, "In-Stat's 3D consumer survey shows that 64 percent of consumers are at least somewhat interested in 3D in the home. For those who have seen a 3D movie in the last 12 months, the percentage increases to 76 percent."

Yet, despite that growing interest, there are still many questions to be answered about 3D TV in the home: Will 3D glasses be involved? How much will consumers ultimately have to pay for 3D TV equipment like TVs and Blu-ray players? How much 3D content will be available? How will service providers price and promote 3D content? A. Michael Noll has a guest column over at FierceTelecom looking at some issues of concern (see link below).

In-Stat projected that 41 million 3D TVs will be shipped worldwide in 2014. However, research firm NSR cautions that while 3D TVs capture the imagination, much of the equipment is not yet available, and overall consumer interest is questionable. Though it may seem like the next logical jump for consumers who moved swiftly from standard definition to high definition TV, betting on the success of 3D theater movies to translate to the living room is more complicated. Still, NSR admits that all the players in the ecosystem, from consumer electronics manufacturers to content owners to service providers appear eager to place their bets.

Источник: FierceIPTV

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