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LG looks to Android in competition with smartphone rivals

14 января 2010

Half of all new smart phones released this year by LG Electronics Inc. will be based on Google Inc.'s Android operating system, the Korean company's top executive said Thursday, according to Yonhap News.

LG Electronics has remained the world's third-largest handset maker since 2008, when it overtook Motorola Inc. and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Ltd. But its weak lineup of smartphones has stoked concern over whether the company will maintain its position in the fast-changing global phone market.

Nam Yong, LG's chief executive officer, said the firm's smart phones will focus on Android, an operating system for the mobile devices provided by Google. Smart phones, which allow access to wireless Internet, differ from traditional cell phones in that they require an operating system.

"We will have smart phones running on Windows Mobile, but about 50 percent of our smart phone models will run on Android," Nam told reporters at a trade show in Las Vegas.

The company did not confirm the release date or the number of models it plans to launch this year.

LG will also turn to Google for content used with its smartphones, Nam added.

"The operating system itself will not guarantee competitiveness in mobile content," he said. "For now, Google's content seems to be the only alternative."

Источник: The Korea Herald

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