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Dell to offer Google search devices to businesses

28 ноября 2007

Dell Inc said on Tuesday it will sell Google search devices to help companies find information on their networks.

Dell said it would sell Google Search Appliance starting at $30,000 and the Google Mini starting at $1,995 to U.S. corporate customers and small businesses. Dell already offers personal computers with Google's desktop search software.Dell to offer Google search devices to businesses

The Google-made machines, which scour corporate networks and Web sites for documents and other data, will help Dell, the world's second-largest personal computer maker, expand its main business of selling computers to businesses, which account for about 85 percent of the Round Rock, Texas-based company's revenue.

Dell said it has been working with Google Inc since 2006 to make some Dell server computers compatible with Google Search Appliance, a high-end box-like device that uses Google technology to search corporate intranets, applications, databases and files.

The Google Mini is targeted at small and medium-sized businesses while the Google Search Appliance is aimed at larger corporations.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Источник: Reuters

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