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RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana expands its multimedia universe

18 февраля 2010

Nokia Siemens Networks joins Italian broadcaster in developing innovative multimedia content distribution solutions.

Spurred by the increasing consumption of multimedia content over the Internet and mobile networks in Italy, the country’s public broadcaster RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana is collaborating with Nokia Siemens Networks to develop solutions that will enable the distribution of high-definition multimedia content throughboth mobile and fixed channels. The aim is to effectively address the converging broadcasting, mobility and multimedia space in Italy.

“Open Internet TV, web TV and mobile TV are fast emerging as preferred modes of viewing multimedia content among Italian consumers, especially the younger generation,” said Luigi Rocchi, head of technological strategies, RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana.“With these channels gaining steady traction in the country over the last few years, using them to distribute content will be a potentially big revenue generator for us. We are confident that we will benefit from Nokia Siemens Networks’ expertise in end-to-end customer experience and the development of multimedia technology platforms.” 

“RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana has already established itself as the strongest player in both the television and the radio space in Italy,”said Roberto Bagnoli, head of business development for South Europe at Nokia Siemens Networks.“With the mobile phone predicted to be the fourth screen and 3G technology geared up to deliver latency-free multimedia content, mobile and Internet-based TV will be the most lucrative media space in the future. Therefore, RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana entering this space makes a lot of sense.”

RAI Radiotelevisione Italianawill leverage Nokia Siemens Networks’ fiber optic based Next Generation Network solution to transport high-definition multimedia content and broadband mobile applications to better meet end user expectations. Building on past cooperation in a joint DVB-H project, on the occasion of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin, the two companies will further strengthen their relationship and combine their business expertise to work together on innovative solutions focusing on the convergence of telecoms and the Internet. 

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