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Google CEO: Mobile devices a changing trend for Internet

11 марта 2010

Google Inc.'s chief executive officer Eric Schmidt Wednesday singled out mobile devices as a trend changing the internet, calling them "supercomputers" that will eventually lead to higher digital revenue for media companies.

"If you want to understand the future of the internet, don't think of it as pipes and tubes. Think of it broader as a mobile device," Schmidt said in a speech at the inaugural Abu Dhabi Media Summit.

"Our smartest engineers are right now building mobile applications," Schmidt said. "They start with mobile-centric applications, not desktop centric applications."

Revenue from the digital world will eventually be higher, not lower, because of this shift,"because the advertising is more targeted and the user is more focused," Schmidt said, adding that Google hasn't yet exercised the full scope of its technological power.

"There are many things that Google could do that we choose not to do. We use our good judgment not to do it."

"We have a high incentive to maintain your trust," Schmidt said in response to a question on concerns over personal information.

Schmidt delivered the speech at a media summit hosted in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The U.A.E is home to Google's "fastest growing operations," Schmidt said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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