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Over 20% of TV households worldwide to be HD by 2014

31 марта 2010

There will be an estimated 276mn TV households worldwide receiving high-definition signals by 2014, representing around 21% of all TV households globally, according to a new report from Informa Telecoms & Media.

A meagre 5.8% of TV households were watching HD programming by the end of 2009, but that is expected to increase to 7.8% by the end of this year, the report adds.  High-definition TV is described as finally taking off, as equipment prices have fallen to affordable levels and the number of channels available has become attractive to a mass audience.

North America is found to be the dominant region for HDTV, accounting for around two-thirds of the global 2010 total, however this proportion is expected to fall to 37% by 2014 as other regions catch up.  The UK is expected to lead the way in Europe, accounting for 14.1mn homes which actively receive HDTV programming, followed by France (12.2mn), Germany (9.3mn) and Italy (8mn).

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is described as being the third-largest region (behind Europe) for HDTV consumption, thanks largely to early adoption in Japan.  The APAC region is expected to ascend the rankings and take second place by 2014, accounting for 31% of total HDTV viewing, by which time China will have 30mn active HDTV homes, followed by Japan (22mn), South Korea (11mn) and India (10mn).

Источник: IPTV news

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