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IPTV set-top box shipments to grow 48% in 2010

23 апреля 2010

Shipments of set-top boxes for Internet protocol television are expected to jump 48% this year, while shipments of boxes that deliver TV through cable, satellite and other connections are seen rising only 6.7%, according to iSuppli Corp.

The research firm predicted global shipments of the IPTV devices, which allow the delivery of television services over a high-speed digital network, will grow to 28.7 million units, compared with 19.4 million in 2009. It sees shipments rising at a 25% compound annual growth rate from 2009 to 2014.

The portion of IPTV set-top boxes among all such boxes is expected to increase from 15% last year to 19% this year and 29% in 2014.

Lee Ratliff, an iSuppli analyst, said innovations that allow for interactive applications will drive market growth of IPTV set-top boxes. IPTV boxes receive video content over a broadband pipe via Internet protocol data packets, while cable and satellite boxes receive a radio frequency-modulated signal. IP boxes do not require a tuner and demodulator, while other boxes do.

Last year, Motorola Inc. was largest supplier of IPTV set-top boxes with 32% market share, followed by Cisco Systems Inc. with a 14% share. About 15 vendors supplied 92% of the market last year.

Among companies supplying software for IPTV boxes, Microsoft Corp.'s Mediaroom middleware had 25% of the market, three times the share of its closest rival, French-based Thomson SA, with its SmartVision software.

Broadcom Corp. is expected to join the ranks of next-generation media processors this year, with its BCM7405 processor.
Sigma Designs Inc. is the leader in that category.

Источник: Total Telecom

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