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Net neutrality is 'Communism' in the network

30 апреля 2010

Arthur D. Little this week advised operators against treating all Web traffic equally, comparing network neutrality to Communism.

"Operators need to manage the capacity of their networks better," said Ansgar Schlautmann, principal analyst at Arthur D Little's telecoms, information, media and electronics (TIME) practice.

"At the moment we have Communism in the network with no real separation between how much you pay for it and how much you use it," he said.

Commenting during a panel session hosted by Arthur D Little in London on Wednesday, he argued in favour of telcos introducing measures such as managed quality of service (QoS) which includes tiered service level agreements (SLAs) that charge Web players in return for guaranteeing the delivery of their content.

"Why should operators have to treat a company that uses up most of the capacity in its network the same as another company that uses hardly any?" Schlautmann asked.

Schlautmann said QoS with tiered SLAs would also mean operators have to ensure the delivery of Web content and services, resulting in an improved customer experience.

"It gets rid of the 'best effort' network altogether," he said.

However, it also means that over-the-top Internet players that do not pay to guarantee the delivery of their content could suffer.

"Managed quality of service with different service level agreements would create a scenario where the lowest priority [traffic] drops off the network when it reaches full capacity," said Klaus von den Hoff, global head of Arthur D Little's TIME practice.

The company also suggested that operators need to further segment their price plans and take greater consideration of their customers' data consumption – a recommendation supported by one telco present at Wednesday's event.

"[Data] pricing needs to be more sophisticated," said Graeme Oxby, managing director of mobile and home phone at Virgin Media.

"Some dongle users are going significantly over their fair usage caps and are receiving pretty nasty bill shock, and so there is a need for data bundles to be more segmented," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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