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Obstacles Remain for Mobile TV

16 мая 2007
Mobile TV may hold new opportunities for satellite players, but costs and spectrum availability continue to pose significant hurdles for the technology. A new report analyzing the satellite-based mobile TV marketplace suggests that while potential exists for satellites to deliver mobile services, "great concerns" remain over a few key obstacles.

According to NSR, international market research firm specializing in satellite technology, mobile TV will produce a variety of satellite opportunities for S-band direct access and FSS channel distribution/backhauling in many markets including Asia, Europe and North America. The report says the continued deployment of S-DMB services and the recently approved DVB-SH standard point to positive momentum for this market segment.

The NSR study, "Mobile TV via Satellite: Assessing S-band and Channel Distribution/Backhaul Opportunities," also says that an emerging market for mobile TV distribution and backhaul via FSS satellite capacity is emerging especially as mobile carriers scale their networks and consider the cost of terrestrial distribution alternatives - in addition to terrestrial spectrum scarcity. The report says channel distribution and backhaul deals are already in place over FSS capacity in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

But all is not perfect, NSR says, because the mobile TV via satellite market will face several challenges all impacting the "shape of the growth curve."

Said Christopher Baugh, NSR president, "The cost of building out S-band networks, including satellite capacity and terrestrial repeaters, is a significant barrier to growth. Very little S-band capacity is available or planned worldwide, and the cost to implement S-band mobile TV may limit the opportunity outside of Asia in the next several years." The analyst also said terrestrial broadcast spectrum scarcity may actually negatively affect satellite-based channel distribution and backhaul growth during the next several years.


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