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Global smartphone shipments surge 50% in Q1

04 мая 2010

Global smartphone shipments jumped 50% on-year during the first quarter of 2010, reaching 54 million units compared with 36 million a year earlier, according to research published on Friday by Strategy Analytics.

The consultancy firm said smartphone shipments accounted for 18% of total handset volumes for the three months ended 31 March.

"This was the strongest period of growth for almost three years and the high-value smartphone market is leading the handset industry out of recession," said Tom Kang, director at Strategy Analytics, in a statement.

"Sales are being driven by healthy operator subsidies, vigorous competition between vendors and a growing tide of lower-cost models using operating software like Symbian and Android."

Nokia maintained its lead, shipping 21.5 million smartphones during Q1, up 57% from 13.7 million during the year-ago quarter. The Finnish handset giant commands a 40% share of the global smartphone market.

RIM occupies second place. The Blackberry maker shifted 10.6 million smartphones in the first quarter of 2010, up from 7.3 million shipped during the same period in 2009. See the table below for a full breakdown of shipments and market share.

"RIM has become the largest mobile device vendor of North American origin, ahead of rivals Apple and Motorola. However, RIM's annual growth rate slowed to just 45% in Q1 2010 and its new BlackBerry OS 6.0 upgrade due in Q3 2010 is badly needed," said Strategy Analytics.

Still, RIM isn't the only handset maker in need of an OS upgrade.

Nokia last week delayed the rollout of its Symbian 3 platform to the third quarter; the move prompted it to lower its 2010 operating margin outlook, sending its shares tumbling amid intensifying smartphone competition.

Strategy Analytics meanwhile said handset players will head in two broad directions during 2010 as the smartphone market begins to segment.

"Some smartphone vendors, such as Nokia, will chase growing mid-tier volumes in emerging markets such as China and India," said Neil Mawston, director at Strategy Analytics.

"Other brands, such as Motorola, will focus on mature markets like the U.S. and explore a new wave of services beyond Internet browsing and email such as high-quality video and navigation."

Источник: Total Telecom

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