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U.K. could see nationwide WiMAX deployment

10 мая 2007

The U.K. may see a major commercial deployment of WiMAX as Pipex Wireless is trialing WiMAX equipment from Airspan with plans to also use equipment from Nokia Siemens Networks. The joint venture between Intel and Pipex Communications owns a national license in the 3.6 GHz to 4.2 GHz spectrum.

The U.K. may see a major commercial deployment of WiMAX as Pipex Wireless is trialing WiMAX equipment from Airspan with plans to also use equipment from Nokia Siemens Networks. The joint venture between Intel and Pipex Communications owns a national license in the 3.6 GHz to 4.2 GHz spectrum. It's unclear how mobile the network will be given the fact that Pipex Wireless is only allowed to use the band for fixed links. The WiMAX network will still work for portable users who may move but stay connected to the same link.



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