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Global mobile VoIP users to top 100m by 2012

28 мая 2010

The number of mobile VoIP users worldwide is set to exceed 100 million by 2012, predicted Juniper Research.

The analyst firm expects mobile VoIP services to roll out "significantly faster" in developed markets, with half of all users residing in Europe and North America by 2012. The reason for this initial geographic imbalance is due to the earlier rollout and greater uptake of 3G services – required for mobile VoIP to be effective – in these two regions, said Juniper Research.Despite this, the company said that mobile VoIP traffic volumes will eventually be higher in emerging markets due to the calling patterns of migrant workers."By 2012 we expect significant uptake of mobile VoIP in its various different flavours," said Anthony Cox, senior analyst at Juniper Research, in a statement. "By that date mobile VoIP will be available over both 3G and WiFi networks," he said.On that note, Juniper Research warned that a high percentage of mobile VoIP traffic carried over WiFi will bypass operators' networks altogether, amounting to $5 billion in lost revenue by 2015. Coupled with ongoing declines in circuit switched voice revenues over the next five years, operators may soon have to plug another hole in their revenue streams."We also anticipate that several more traditional operators will have joined 3UK and Verizon in the U.S. and developed relationships with mobile VoIP players such as Skype," said Cox. Verizon Wireless in February announced a partnership with Skype to preload the latter's VoIP client on its smartphones.Russ Shaw, Skype's vice president and general manager of its EMEA mobile activities, said at the time the deal was symptomatic of a change in attitude on the part of operators.Despite the optimism, Skype has yet to announce another operator partnership since.The VoIP provider in early May unveiled a range of monthly calling tariffs to mobile phones and landlines, enabling users to contact non-Skype customers in 170 countries for as little as £0.01 per minute.

Источник: Total Telecom

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