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UK Business and M2M SMS Market Valued at Ј600 Million

01 июня 2010

The UK market value for business and non person-to-person messaging, has been valued at £600 million, according to a report by messaging application provider, Dynmark International.

The value of the non person-to-person messaging market is the subject of regular debate, according to Dynmark CEO, Oscar Jenkins: "Because of commercial sensitivities amongst mobile data aggregators, there's no consensus on volunteering message volumes and nobody knows exactly how much the market is worth."

"Using public figures and our knowledge of the messaging market, independent desk research reveals the figure to be in the region of £530m in 2008," said Jenkins. "Extending those trends shows that we're enjoying a current market size of £600 million today, with £620m easily achievable by 2011."

The report concludes that while Key Premium Aggregators and traditional Mobile Content Providers enjoyed major growth during the last decade, significant potential remains.

"If the publisher paywall model is to experience traction, there can be a vital role for mobile messages in alerting readers about new content," Jenkins said. "Mobile messages can direct users to mobile internet content, and with Premium SMS billing, there's an in-built micropayment mechanism already there.

"Mobile messaging has surprised everyone from day one and, as the second most popular mobile application after voice, it remains as relevant as ever."

Источник: Cellular news

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