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Mobile Handset Makers Struggle With Green Initiatives

02 июня 2010

Makers of mobile handsets are stepping up their efforts to develop and sell products that are more environmentally friendly, but consumer usage patterns continue to have a negative impact on handset makers' green initiatives, according to the latest report from Heavy Reading Mobile Networks Insider.

"While the green mobile handset segment remains a small percentage of the mobile phone marketplace, some handset OEMs have become more aggressive in adding green mobile handsets to their portfolios," notes Aileen Arcilla, research analyst with Heavy Reading Mobile Networks Insider and author of the report. "Characteristics of green handsets include use of recycled materials, reduced use of toxic materials such as lead and polyvinyl chlorides, and availability of more energy efficient battery chargers, as well as chargers driven by alternative energy sources such as solar cells."

But user habits are the biggest obstacle to making mobile handsets a more eco-friendly sector, Arcilla reports. "Discarding of still-usable handsets and failure to properly dispose of or recycle handsets are potentially significant contributors to environmental problems," she says. "With the number of mobile subscriptions expected to exceed 5 billion over the next few years, the biohazards of handset disposal are likely to grow."

The report also noted that adoption of eco-friendly handsets will vary regionally, alongside differing handset feature priorities, consumer attitudes, business models, and governmental policies. Initiatives at the OEM level have primarily encouraged the development of green mobile handsets and will drive consumer adoption, however, consumers must play a huge role in ensuring that the environmental impact of mobile phone consumption is minimized.

Источник: Cellular news

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