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Skype VoIP over 3G app racks up 5 mil. download

04 июня 2010

So VoIP company Skype finally got to get its service working over 3G, having released an iPhone app a couple of days ago. But the big news is that there was some pent up demand for said app, which Skype claims has been downloaded over five million times already.

At present, Skype-to-Skype calls over 3G will be free (although operator data charges may still apply, especially given the end of the unlimited data free for all) and will remain so until the end of 2010. But then it looks like Skype will start charging for 3G calls. The company said it is working out what the pricing options might be for 3G.

The updated iPhone app also features a call quality indicator, to help users find the best location to make that call, as well as improved – “near CD” quality sound.

According to Ericsson’s head of telephony evolution, Eric Ericsson, who spoke to telecoms.com about wireless voice recently, one of the main benefits of cellular voice, especially on LTE, is the better quality of experience.


Источник: telecoms.com

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