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Rapid Growth Within Mobile Broadband Continues

04 июня 2010

The number of mobile broadband subscriptions in Sweden increased by 50 per cent to 1.31 million during 2009, reports the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS).

Mobile broadband continues to be the most rapidly growing service within electronic communications. The number of mobile broadband subscriptions increased from 877 000 on 31 December 2008 to 1 310 000 on 31 December 2009. This represents an increase of 50 per cent.

"It is clear that Swedish consumers wish to have high speeds and mobile services. Demand is driven by the development of services and through young consumers changing use patters," says Katarina Kдmpe, PTS Deputy Director-General.

Swedes text message more than they call

In total, Swedish consumers sent 16.3 billion text messages (SMS) during 2009, corresponding to an increase of 65 per cent since 2008. The number of SMS is consequently for the first time more than the number of calls made by Swedes in the mobile and fixed networks together.

Swedes also like to surf with their mobile telephones. Traffic for mobile data services increased in 2009 by 103 per cent compared with 2008.

PTS's statistics also show that Swedes make more calls via their mobile telephones than by fixed telephones. During 2009, the proportion of call minutes in the mobile networks increased to 47.3 per cent of the total number of call minutes. The corresponding proportion during 2008 was 41.8 per cent.

Источник: Cellular news

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