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EU launches consultation on future of Internet neutrality

01 июля 2010

The European Commission Wednesday said it has launched a consultation on how to make sure the Internet remains a level playing field for all online businesses and operators.

The commission wants to determine whether Internet providers should be allowed to manage online traffic, prioritizing one kind of traffic over another. This has become an issue with the onset of broadband and online services which require more bandwidth, such as voice calls over Internet or online TV.

"I am committed to keeping the Internet open and neutral. Consumers should be able to access the content they want," said telecoms commissioner Neelie Kroes. At the same time providers and operators should have the right incentives to keep innovating, she added.

Many operators want to prioritize some online services during peak hours, but the commission is worried this may not be fair to users, who don't always know why they are having trouble using some services such as Skype, for example.

The commission wants input from interested parties on whether the current level of competition between Internet service providers and existing European transparency laws are enough to give consumers real choice, or whether the commission should further regulate traffic management.

The consultation, which ends Sept. 30, will be used as part of a report on net neutrality, which should be presented by the end of this year, the commission said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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