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Report: 27% of respondents migrating to VoIP this year

17 августа 2010

A new study issued by Atlantic-ACM shows that a good portion of telecom customers are planning to migrate to VoIP in the coming year.

Atlantic-ACM released the 2010 edition of its Business Connectivity Wireline and Wireless Report Card.  The benchmarking research-based analysis, which was derived from more than 5,000 individual ratings of telecommunications carriers by their customers, delivers a comprehensive overview of the business connectivity landscape from the perspective of business and enterprise customers.

“In 2010, product quality scores logged small improvements year-over-year, with products such as ISDN, DIA, IP VPN and VoIP continuing to maintain their already strong ratings,” said Dr. Judy Reed Smith, ATLANTIC-ACM CEO. “VoIP demand remains  strong, with 27 percent of survey respondents indicating that they already have or will migrate to VoIP within the year.  Migrations, as expected, originated mostly from integrated access/PRI or circuit-switched voice users.  ATLANTIC-ACM forecasts indicate that VoIP will continue to experience high growth in the future as VoIP products become increasingly commoditized and end users pursue gains in cost and efficiency."

Источник: Fierce Telecom

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