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Google dominates Web video rankings

18 августа 2010

Google Inc.'s websites continued to dominate U.S. online-video viewing statistics in July, as the company had 143.2 million unique viewers, while Yahoo Inc. ranked a distant second, according to comScore Inc.

The search-engine giant's popular video site YouTube was the main source of the traffic, comScore said. Google has been under pressure to boost revenue from YouTube, which the company bought several years ago for $1.65 billion.

Yahoo's total video audience was 55.1 million people, while closely held Facebook Inc. jumped one position to capture the No. 3 spot with 46.6 million viewers. Vevo fell to fifth place, with Microsoft Corp. also passing the music-focused site.

ComScore said Americans viewed nearly 3.6 billion video ads in July, with Hulu generating the highest number of video ad impressions at 783 million. Hulu is a joint venture of General Electric Co.'s NBC Universal, Walt Disney Co. and News Corp., which owns Dow Jones & Co, publisher of The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires.I

n total, 85% of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online video in July. The duration of the average online content video was 4.8 minutes, while video ads accounted for 9.8% of all videos viewed.

Источник: Total Telecom

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