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Juniper: Only 1 in 20 to benefit from LTE by 2015

25 августа 2010

LTE commands the lion's share of the wireless market's momentum toward 4G. However, according to a new report by Juniper Research, only 300 million mobile subscribers worldwide will be using the next-generation technology by 2015.

LTE 4G mobile networks will provide businesses and consumers with dramatically increased speeds and capacity to combat the effects of the mobile data traffic explosion such as network crashes. However, only 1 in every 20 subscribers will benefit, a new study from Juniper Research concluded.

With the rate of LTE network commitments at an all time high, the Juniper Research report forecasts that the number of LTE mobile broadband subscribers will exceed 300 million globally by 2015. Most of this growth will occur from 2012 but mobile operators are preparing now as rapidly increasing data traffic from mobile apps and mobile internet usage forces them to react.

Report author Howard Wilcox explained: "Although 1 in 20 globally is low overall, in fact our research found that usage levels will be significantly higher in other regions such as North America where it will be closer to 1 in 5 as major operators plan rollouts in the next 6 months."

Hurdles Ahead Juniper's extensive primary interview programme pinpointed several hurdles that LTE needs to overcome in order to succeed. For instance, LTE needs to avoid the mistakes of 3G and ensure that suitable devices are available when networks are launched.

Further findings include:

  • LTE's main markets will be the developed nations of North America, Western Europe, the Far East and China, which together will account for 90% of the market by 2015.
  • The industry is looking for answers regarding new business models that will replace existing data plans.

Juniper Research explores the LTE opportunity in a report published today, providing a comprehensive six year forecasting suite covering enterprise and consumer subscriber take-up. The report examines market opportunities for end user LTE devices such as smartphones, laptops, netbooks, tablets and consumer electronic devices, network access via dongles, cards and embedded capability plus chipset shipments.

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