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Taiwan to spend over $200m on next-gen mobile telecoms

08 сентября 2010

Taiwan was set to spend around NT$7 billion ($219.3 million) over the next four years to boost the development of cutting-edge telecommunications technologies, an official said Tuesday.

The project to give the island an edge in fourth-generation or 4G technologies was approved Monday by the Council for Economic Planning and Development, the island's top economic planning body.

"Part of the money will be used to encourage local private companies to develop key parts for the WiMAX network," said Chou Chung-pin of the Industrial Development Bureau, an agency under the economic ministry.

Companies involved in the projects must provide up to 80% of the cost, with the balance covered by government subsidies.

WiMAX 4G technology provides high-speed broadband wireless services as well as improved image and data services, and will potentially allow for such features as multi-channel high-definition TV broadcasting.

Источник: Total Telecom

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