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NSN takes industry’s first concrete step toward 400G optical networks

23 сентября 2010

Nokia Siemens Networks has conducted the world’s first lab trial and succeeded in transmitting data at a speed of 200 Gigabit per second (200G) over standard optical fiber, marking a critical step forward to 400G networks.

The trial follows Nokia Siemens Networks’ recent announcement of its 400G-ready Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) equipment. Network operators are expected to start deploying 400G-ready optical networks by 2011. 

“Nokia Siemens Networks has time and again demonstrated its capacity leadership in optical networks. Our latest trial shows that it’s possible today to re-use existing fiber and double the speed per wavelength to 200G,” said Oliver Jahreis, head of product management for WDM networks at Nokia Siemens Networks. “This development is an important milestone and shows that we are on the right track toward a cost-efficient approach to 400G networks and beyond.” 

As the demand for higher-capacity transport networks continues to rise, network operators need to increase the speed per wavelength in their existing networks. It will help operators get the most out of their investments, as laying additional fiber lines to meet the capacity demand is a costly option. 

The move to 400G is the next step in the optical transport deployments, following the current 10/40/100G networks. Re-use of existing fiber for the evolution to higher-capacity networks will protect operators’ investments, while providing higher data speeds for end users. 

Nokia Siemens Networks conducted the trial at its research and development center in Munich using its prototype equipment. 

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