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Tablet, netbook markets won't overlap much

14 октября 2010

The chairman of ASUSTeK Computer Inc. said that the Taiwanese personal computer maker's netbook PCs can coexist with the rapidly growing market for tablet-style devices such as Apple Inc.'s iPad.

"There will be overlap...but it won't be that much," said Chairman Jonney Shih at a news conference in Tokyo, where ASUSTeK, a major PC maker and the world's biggest motherboard producer by shipments, unveiled its winter product lineup for the Japanese market.

He said his view was based on substantial market data the company has collected, including input from customers.

In recent years, ASUSTeK's Eee PC line of netbooks--smaller, lighter, less-expensive versions of notebook PCs--has been enjoying increasing brand-recognition worldwide.

But analysts say the new tablet segment, spearheaded by the iPad, is eating into the netbook market.

In a report to clients this month, Deutsche Securities analyst Kc Kao wrote: "Our initial assessments estimate that 30%-50% of iPad shipment would cannibalize netbook demand" in the second half of 2010.

And ASUSTeK cannot ignore the tablet market. Indeed, it plans to start selling its new tablet PC, called the Eee Pad, in the first quarter of next year.

By offering both netbooks and tablets, ASUSTeK aims to address different needs for different segments, Shih said.

He said that netbooks' biggest advantage is their compatibility with existing PC applications. Netbooks emphasize "not only content consumption, but also content creation," fulfilling both office work and entertainment needs, he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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