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Anhui Unicom outsources field maintenance to Nokia Siemens Networks

18 октября 2010

Anhui Unicom, the second-largest mobile operator in the Anhui province of China, will soon be able to offer an improved, more consistent service to its subscribers, while lowering its operating costs. The operator has signed a three-year managed services frame agreement with Nokia Siemens Networks for the field maintenance of its network in four cities. 

“Timely and efficient resolution of network issues is critical to ensuring uninterrupted services. However, our multi-vendor network and fragmented service provider base for field maintenance can pose a challenge to this task,” saidLi Chao,general manager, Anhui Unicom. “With its strong services expertise, Nokia Siemens Networks will consolidate the fragmented field maintenance and resolve network problems faster. It will help us improve our network performance and deliver high-quality services to our subscribers, while simultaneously reducing our operational and maintenance costs.”

Under the contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will consolidate all previous field maintenance (FM) to reduce complexity in network operations and maintenance with the aim of improving Anhui Unicom’s network quality. Nokia Siemens Networks will provide comprehensive field maintenance services for the operator’s network equipment including base stations, antenna towers, transmission cables and customer premise equipment. 

“Operators today are constantly working to keep pace with changing and growing subscriber expectations. Having the right partner to ensure smooth network operations can not only improve the service quality for users, but also allow operators to focus their efforts on the introduction and marketing of new services,” said Zhangfei, head of Anhui Unicom customer team at Nokia Siemens Networks. “With our multi-vendor network expertise, we will ensure improved network performance to help Anhui Unicom get the most out of its investments.”

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