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East Asia, Europe best for broadband

30 ноября 2010

Hong Kong remains the most cost-effective market in the world for consumer broadband services, with others in the same part of Asia also making the grade, according to a new study from Point Topic.

The top 10 consumer broadband markets were all in eastern Asia and Europe in the most recent quarter, the research firm revealed on Monday. The only newcomer to the top 10 was Singapore, which saw its ranking position improve to number seven in the world thanks to a new tariff for fibre-optic broadband launched by Starhub in September.

“They were able to offer a tariff that works out better value for money than previous tariffs available to consumers in Singapore,” Oliver Johnson, CEO of Point Topic, explained to Total Telecom, referring to the telco's MaxInfinity Supreme offer, which was 70% cheaper than Singapore's previous cheapest tariff. Point Topic ranks countries by how much a consumer pays for a megabit of bandwidth, in order to compare offers with varying speeds and data limits.

Indeed, nine of the top 10 best value packages are pure fibre-based or are hybrid services, “where fibre is a significant part of the local loop”, Fiona Vanier, senior analyst at Point Topic noted in a statement. “The exception is Germany where Unity Media offer a cable service that is very competitive.”

The company added that rankings can change very quickly, with network upgrades or new pricing plans often resulting in significant cost improvements to customers. Japan came second behind Hong Kong in Q3, with China and Singapore coming in sixth and seventh respectively. The remaining places in the top 10 were held by European countries, led by Romania, Sweden and Latvia in places three to five.

Point Topic also ranks the most expensive countries for consumer broadband, based on the same parameters. Bringing up the rear was Peru, where Telefonica del Peru's Speedy 500 plan costs $209.29 per megabit, compared with $0.028 from HKBN in Hong Kong; all the top ten had per megabit costs of below $0.5, whereas at the bottom there were four tariffs at over $100.

In terms of change since the previous quarter, the biggest reduction came in Saudi Arabia, where the price per megabit for the best available consumer tariff fell by 93%. India came second with an 84% drop, followed by Turkey at 71%.

Источник: Total Telecom

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