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Russia sees big boom in consumer IT

01 декабря 2010

Context are reporting a dramatic increase in the number of notebooks sold into Russia compared to the same time last year. Figures from its latest Eastern European PC market tracker highlight a year-on-year unit growth of 133% in the third quarter of this year compared to the same quarter last year.

While 2009 was a tough year for Russia, 2010 has seen an improved economy with more stability in oil prices, the country's key earner. As conditions improved, consumers have enjoyed higher levels of disposable income, and retail sales have grown accordingly. Large retailers in Russia are reporting that business is up: El Dorado, one of the country's largest consumer electronics chains has recently seen like for like sales increase 20% in the last 9 months.

Corporate spending in Russia, however, appears to be more muted, reports Context. Desktop PC sales have grown a comparatively modest 25% during the same time period. This is most likely due to large government contracts that needed to be fulfilled, but corporate accounts are still showing some nerves about the state of the economy.

“The outlook for the Russian PC market looks positive for the last quarter of this year", said Jeremy Davies, CEO and Co-founder of Context. “PC Distributors, for example, have so far had a very good year and are predicting an excellent 2011, but the market is still unstable as it is so closely tied to the price of oil. Meanwhile the mentality amongst consumers seems to be spend now while the money's available, and notebook PC sales have benefitted from that.”

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