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Telecoms Industry Calls for Swift Adoption of European Spectrum Policy

10 декабря 2010

Europe's leading fixed and mobile telecommunications operators have jointly welcomed the European Union's efforts to maximise the potential of radio spectrum for the economy and society as a whole.

The trade associations ECTA, ETNO and GSMA Europe urge the European Parliament and the Council to swiftly adopt the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) Decision.

The Commission-proposed Decision establishing a strategic five-year plan on radio spectrum, that will be considered by the European Parliament and Council in the coming months, represents a unique opportunity to develop a long-term EU strategy on spectrum. Such a strategic planning tool will increase certainty over spectrum availability for all stakeholders across the EU creating a single market for high-speed mobile broadband and enhancing Europe's global competitiveness.

Spectrum policy is one of the key instruments for meeting the Digital Agenda's broadband coverage and penetration targets. As highlighted by the Digital Agenda communication, providing all Europeans with high-speed broadband access will require a mix of technologies and platforms, driven by market needs and technical and commercial feasibility. In rural and remote areas in particular, wireless and mobile broadband networks will play a fundamental role in bridging the 'digital divide'.

In this context, ECTA, ETNO and GSMA Europe welcomed the proposed RSPP, which aims to promptly make available by 2013 the 'digital dividend' band for new and innovative mobile services spurring economic growth and new jobs. They also support the proposal to investigate additional spectrum availability for mobile broadband.

Источник: Cellular news

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