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TeliaSonera Marks First Anniversary of LTE Network Launch

14 декабря 2010

TeliaSonera is marking the one-year anniversary of the launch of its first commercial LTE networks, in Sweden and Norway. Today, TeliaSonera is now offering commercial LTE services in 4 countries and running pilot networks in 4 additional countries, pending LTE license awards.

"We're proud to have premiered 4G last year and are delighted over the pace of the extensive roll-out this year, having taken the services to a number of cities in Sweden and Norway as well as to both Finland and Denmark. Customers are weaving real-time services into their mobile behavior and are at the same time expecting more of their fixed networks in home and office settings. TeliaSonera will continue to provide the best Internet access through a combination of mobile and fixed broadband services," says Hеkan Dahlstrцm, President of Business Area Mobility Services.

TeliaSonera's mobile data traffic has increased tenfold since 2005 and the data traffic continues to increase. When TeliaSonera recently surveyed its LTE users, many respondents reported dramatic changes to their media consumption habits. About 23 percent watch more online TV and 28 percent say they increasingly listen to web radio and music services like Spotify. The survey also shows a change in the consumption of Internet services; for example, more than 46 percent now surf the web more frequently when away from home and 12 percent play more online games.

On December 14, 2009, TeliaSonera became the world's first operator to commercially launch next generation mobile broadband, deploying LTE networks in Stockholm and Oslo. By the end of this month, LTE will be deployed in 28 Swedish cities and ski resorts as well as in four Norwegian cities.

TeliaSonera this year also became the first LTE operator in Denmark after the recent launch in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg on December 9th. The company was also the first operator in Finland with LTE in Helsinki and Turku launched on November 30.

TeliaSonera's subsidiaries in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Uzbekistan have launched LTE pilot networks.

Источник: Cellular news

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