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MMA issues mobile couponing best practices

27 декабря 2010

Nonprofit industry trade group the Mobile Marketing Association published its Guidelines and Best Practices in Mobile Price Promotions, a document designed to give marketers, merchants, wireless carriers and other ecosystem members an industry-standard framework for issuing mobile coupons, rebates and related promotional initiatives.

According to the MMA, the document includes overviews of channels like SMS, MMS, mobile applications and the mobile web, as well as insight into coupon discovery and redemption, transparency and privacy principles, campaign-specific best practices and coupon design tips. Close to 30 percent of U.S. consumers express interest in mobile coupons per a recent joint study conducted by the MMA and research partner Synovate.

Earlier this week, the MMA launched an initiative to develop a set of mobile privacy guidelines to complement its existing Global Code of Conduct, stating it will address marketer and consumer demand for greater transparency into how subscriber information is collected and used across mobile marketer efforts. The MMA plans to establish a common mobile framework for use by marketers and media companies, outlining how to most appropriately engage consumers via mobile media channels including SMS, MMS, the mobile web and application downloads.

In September, the MMA announced a "repositioning" it said would better situate the organization for a changing wireless marketplace. The association signaled five key aspects of its new approach: To promote the mobile marketing channel; to educate brands, agencies and consumers about the medium; to measure ad metrics; to help guide the development of standards and best practices; and to protect the industry with "self-regulatory programs."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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