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France Telecom names Richard chairman as of 1 March

25 февраля 2011

France Telecom SA said current Chief Executive Stephane Richard will also become chairman of the group as of March 1, combining the two functions only a year after they were split amid a hastened management reshuffle.

The French telecoms giant said its board at a meeting Wednesday formally noted former CEO Didier Lombard's decision to hand over his responsibilities as chairman and appointed Richard to the combined role.

Lombard was CEO and chairman of the group between February 2005 and February 2010, when he left the role of CEO as the group was struggling with a social crisis in France following a series of suicides in the country.

France Telecom then split the two top positions, making Richard CEO and Lombard chairman to allow for a smooth transition at the helm of the company.

Lombard will stay at the group as special adviser to Richard on the strategic options and technological outlook for the group, France Telecom said in a statement late Wednesday.

Источник: Total Telecom

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