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Nokia Already Working on First Microsoft Based Smartphone

21 марта 2011

Nokia's CEO, Stephen Elop says that the company has already started work on the company's first Windows Phone 7 based smartphone, just a few weeks after the company announced its shift from Symbian to the WP7 operating system.

Although the company aims to deliver a handset by the end of this year, the first sales are still not expected until next year.

In an interview with the Reuters news agency, he also squashed rumours that Microsoft could launch a takeover bid for the company.

"I'm not aware of a strategic interest that Microsoft would have in the rest of the business," Elop said. "To the extent that a partnership has been formed around what they're really interested in, then what would an acquisition bring other than a good year of anti-trust investigation, huge turmoil, delays?"

He also dismissed rumours of a further shake-up of the senior management team following the recent reshuffling of the directors.

As recently noted, the final terms of the Microsoft-Nokia alliance are still being sorted out, but Elop said that he expects the final deal to be signed within the next couple of months.

Источник: Cellular news

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