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EU aims to curb Galileo costs

28 марта 2011

The EU Commission isn't willing to accept further costs increases for the Galileo satellite navigation system, German daily Handelsblatt reported, citing industry commissioner Antonio Tajani.

"On the contrary, the estimated additional costs for the time after 2014 must decrease," Tajani told the newspaper.

To get this message to the companies involved in the project, Tajani has held a meeting with their chief executives, including those of Astrium, a subsidiary of European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co, and OHB Technology AB.

The "subtext" of the meeting is clear,"the commission wants to keep up the competition pressure," the newspaper quoted an industry representative as saying.

The project was set to cost around EUR3.4 billion, but the EU Commission recently estimated there would be additional costs of around EUR1.9 billion for the period between 2014 and 2019.

Источник: Total Telecom

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