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Fixed and mobile voice services in Central and Eastern Europe

01 апреля 2011

Retail voice revenue will stagnate because mobile voice revenue no longer compensates for the decline in fixed, says Analysys Mason. The contraction of retail voice revenue in 2009 was not just a temporary result of the recession: the years of growth in the sector are over.

Overall, the voice market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will decline at a CAGR of –2% between 2009 and 2015: mobile voice revenue will exhibit subdued growth (at a CAGR of 0.3%), but fixed voice revenue will contract (at a –7% CAGR).

In most EU countries, the fixed and mobile voice markets have reached maturity, and the negative growth rates observed in 2009 will continue throughout the forecast period.

In non-EU countries, which account for about 60% of the region’s revenue, mobile voice revenue will continue to increase (albeit slowly, at a 2% CAGR), but the fixed market will decline at a –8% CAGR as fixed–mobile substitution increases – particularly in Russia and Turkey.

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