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FTTx roll–out and capex in developed economies

20 мая 2011

European telcos will spend a further USD41bn on FTTx by 2016 if they stick to current plans. But behind this figure there lie huge variations in coverage, speed of roll-out, technology mix and per capita investment between national markets. So what is the optimal way forward?

Telcos have regarded next-generation cable broadband as their biggest single threat to their broadband businesses. However as our new report argues, 4G / LTE means that time to market, not insuperable speed, should be the single most important factor in fixed operators' next-generation access strategy. LTE looks like a genuine threat to ADSL, and telcos need to differentiate. FTTC/VDSL is a financially viable options to combat this, and will deliver faster results than FTTH.

Analysys Mason also suggests that operators should consider the benefits of further FTTx roll-out in rural areas. By improving the performance and reach of copper - using methods including pair-bonding, vectoring and phantom mode - they could find a cost-effective way to extend the availability of their superfast broadband.

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