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ZTE unveils cloud-based operating system

24 мая 2011

Chinese vendor ZTE has unveiled a home-grown cloud operating system, allowing operators to manage and deploy network resources on the fly.

With the CoCloud operating system at its core, ZTE’s cloud computing offerings also include a range of IT resource management platforms covering virtual computing, cloud operations management and cloud security, supported by specific applications for government and industry vertical sectors.

To underline the importance of the technology, Shi Lirong, president of ZTE, said: “It is our ambition to use cloud computing to account for a third of ZTE’s total revenues. The establishment of ZTE’s Global Cloud Computing Centre in Nanjing, with space for up to 10,000 R&D personnel, is a significant milestone for ZTE’s cloud computing strategy.”

The vendor claims a cloud-enabled operating system gives users a clear view of system processes and enables the dynamic transfer of resources to where they are most needed.

Источник: telecoms.com

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