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US smartphone purchases overtake feature phones

04 июля 2011

Smartphones now make up the majority of new handsets bought in the U.S., according to statistics published by Nielsen this week.

The market research firm said that 55% of consumers who purchased a new mobile phone between 11 March and 11 May 2011 chose a smartphone over a feature phone, up from 34% a year earlier. Nielsen said the proportion of U.S. mobile users who own a smartphone now stands at 38%.

"Android continues to be the most popular smartphone operating system, with 38% of smartphone consumers owning Android devices," said Nielsen, in a blog post. "However, while Android also leads among those who recently purchased a new smartphone, it is the Apple iPhone that has shown the most growth in recent months."

Indeed, the proportion of consumers who bought a smartphone between March and May who opted for an Android device remained flat from the previous three months at 27%, while iOS purchases increased from 10% to 17%.

Nielsen's research revealed that the biggest loser during the period was RIM, which saw its share of handset sales shrink to 6% from 11%.

The Blackberry maker has been under intense scrutiny since mid-June, when it warned that its fiscal first quarter revenue and device sales would miss expectations, and slashed its full-year earnings guidance, indicating that it will lose further momentum this year as it struggles to replace its aging portfolio with devices running on its upcoming QNX platform.

RIM has also come under pressure from shareholder groups and proxy advisers to split the chairman and chief executive roles, calls it appears to have taken on board, after it agreed on Friday to set up a committee that will study the appropriateness of its co-chairman and CEO positions.

Meanwhile, Windows Phone 7's share of smartphone sales between March and May was flat at just 1%, according to Nielsen, giving it an overall smartphone OS share of 1% in the U.S., below earlier versions of the Windows mobile platform (see chart). The news is unlikely to offer much comfort to Nokia, which is betting on Microsoft's platform to spur a turnaround in its ailing smartphone fortunes.


Источник: Total Telecom

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