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PC maker Pegatron reportedly gets iPhone 5 order

06 июля 2011

Taiwan-based PC maker Pegatron has reportedly received an order from Apple to produce 15 million iPhone 5s, in time for the first batch to ship in September.

Citing sources close to the situation, DigiTimes reported on Tuesday that the new smartphone model does not appear to be a major overhaul of the iPhone 4, and components for the new device are already being supplied to the manufacturer.

"Pegatron's plants in Shanghai, China also recently started hiring," claimed the report.

Pegatron significantly expanded its production capacity in order to satisfy an expected 10 million CDMA iPhone 4 orders; however, first quarter sales of the device were lower than expected, with Pegatron shipping fewer than 4 million units, and as such its manufacturing facilities are currently underutilised.

Meanwhile most of the attention on Apple recently has centred on its iCloud services, as the company seeks to grow its range of online content and storage offerings, and extend them across its iOS portfolio in a bid to outmanoeuvre smartphone rivals Google, RIM and Microsoft.

However, reports emerged during the second half of June claiming that Apple plans to introduce a new iPhone later this year with a more powerful processor and camera that will run the latest version of its mobile device platform, iOS 5, but will otherwise closely resemble the iPhone 4.

Источник: Total Telecom

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